Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tonight's the Night

Well, in a few minutes I'll be taking the shot. Jen will be watching over me for the next 48 hours and has access to this blog and will post updates regardless of how things go...

Am I scared? You bet, but this needs to be done. Someone needs to take a stand, show the mistakes that have been made and at least try to fix them. In case things don't go my way, I ask those who do read this to keep fighting and trying to show the world that the majority of those with promicin in them want to change the world for the better. Also, even though a lot has been revealed there's still a lot of unanswered questions regarding promicin and the 4400 that needs to be answered.

Either way, I need to say some things now...especially if I don't make it

Mom, Dad, I know you'll be mad at me for taking the shot, but you always told me to stand up for something if I see there's a problem in the world and there is one now. You have been great parents and loved me and supported me no matter what, but always let me know when I screwed up

Rebecca, you'll probably be mad that your big brother wouldn't be around to help you for the rest of your college life, but please understand this is something I have to do. We may fight like siblings do, but I know that you love me as much as I love you, little sister. Just keeping shining and being yourself as you always have and you'll succeed at anything

Jen, we've been best friends since we were 3 and that will never change. You have always been my 'partner in crime and chaos' and had my back. You've supported me no matter what I've said and done, which is why you were the first person I came out to. I know I must have done something good to have you in my life and I am glad you are here with me now...

To the rest of my friends and family, thanks for being there and thinking I'm a decent guy...LOL

Well, wish me luck everyone...

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